Poli Sci Data and Resources for Students and Faculty
National Surveys of Political/Social Attitudes and Behaviors:
American National Election Studies (ANES)
Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES)
General Social Survey (GSS by NORC)
Bright Line Watch (Democracy surveys from the public and experts)
World Values Survey
Democracy Fund Voter Group Study (Panel Data)
MIT Election Data Science Lab
Candidates in General Elections (Pres., Congress, Gubernatorial)
Money in Politics
Open Secrets
Ideology, Money and Politics in Elections (DIME)
Parties and Congress
VoteView (Ideology scores for members of Congress)
Party Manifesto Project
Political TV Ad Archive
Wisconsin Advertising Project
Wesleyan Media Project
American Presidency Project (Speeches, Debates, Media, Stats etc. related to the Presidency)
PBS Presidential Debate Video Archive
Supreme Court
Washington University Supreme Court Database
Archive of Political Emails (legislators, candidates, parties, PACS, non-profits, NGOs)
DCInbox (enewsletters from legislators)
American National Election Studies (ANES)
Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES)
General Social Survey (GSS by NORC)
Bright Line Watch (Democracy surveys from the public and experts)
World Values Survey
Democracy Fund Voter Group Study (Panel Data)
MIT Election Data Science Lab
Candidates in General Elections (Pres., Congress, Gubernatorial)
Money in Politics
Open Secrets
Ideology, Money and Politics in Elections (DIME)
Parties and Congress
VoteView (Ideology scores for members of Congress)
Party Manifesto Project
Political TV Ad Archive
Wisconsin Advertising Project
Wesleyan Media Project
American Presidency Project (Speeches, Debates, Media, Stats etc. related to the Presidency)
PBS Presidential Debate Video Archive
Supreme Court
Washington University Supreme Court Database
Archive of Political Emails (legislators, candidates, parties, PACS, non-profits, NGOs)
DCInbox (enewsletters from legislators)